22 August 2013
Comments: 18

Learn more about Search Engines and how they work (Xpress Web Marketing)


Whenever you enter a query into a search engine and press ‘enter’ you get a list of web results that contain the search term. Users normally tend to visit websites that are at the top of this list as they perceive those to be more relevant to the query. If you’ve ever wondered why some [...]

Tags: Bing, Google Placements, Google+, MSN, Search Engine, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engines, , , Yahoo

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22 August 2013
Comments: 16



Social media marketing (SMM) refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. (Wiki) Social Media is a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with Internet access. Increased communication for organizations fosters brand awareness and often, improved customer service. In addition, social media is a relatively inexpensive platform for organizations to [...]

Tags: Facebook, Google+, Marketing, SMM, SMO, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Network, Social Media Optimization, Twitter, United States, , YouTube

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