Xpress Web Marketing Blog

19 October 2013
Comments: 1

Social Media is changing Business this Year

Social Media is changing Business this Year How does it help you to grow your business? Social media marketing is getting popular day by day. It has brought boom to the businessman of today. It enables them to grow their business but the question is how? These days the brands are promoting themselves through public […]

Tags: Facebook, Google+, Marketing, online advertising, online marketing, SMM, Social Media, Social Media advertising, social media marketers, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Network, Social Media Optimization, Social Networks, , YouTube

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30 September 2013
Comments: 2

How to get high ranking on Major Search Engines?

Getting high ranking in the search engines is what every web owner desires whereas it is not a cup of tea for everyone. It is a technical task that requires smart work. Even a professional website grabs traffic when it is done with proper strategies. The web developers stay in touch with the search engine […]

Tags: Bing, google advertising, Google Placements, Google+, MSN, online advertising, online marketing, Search Engine, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engines, , , Yahoo

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15 September 2013
Comments: 2

What Exactly Social Media Marketing is?


Social Media Marketing When it comes to internet marketing then marketers have a wide assortment of options, content marketing, email marketing, sms marketing and many more, to choose form. At present, pro marketers including me are giving utmost priority to social media marketing. In past, I usually emphasized on content marketing as it was an […]

Tags: SMM, SMO, Social Media, Social Media advertising, social media marketers, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Network, social media networks, Social Media Optimization, social medias, Social Network, Social Networks

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30 August 2013
Comments: 10

Difference Between White, Grey & Black Hat SEO


White Hat, Black Hat & Grey Hat SEO Explained by Xpress Web Marketing Once upon a time, sooner or later, you will come across the terms white and black hat SEO. What are they? Could you be doing, without knowing it, Black Hat SEO? What are the shades between white and black? So many questions, […]

28 August 2013
Comments: 8

How to Build a good Social Media Marketing campaign???


Objective of Social Media Marketing The main objective of Social Media Marketing programs is the creation of contents which attracts the attention of readers and encourages them to promote and share the content with their social networks. From one user to another user a corporate and a meaningful message spread because the source is a […]

Tags: business, Facebook, Google+, Marketing, SMM, SMO, Social Media, Social Media advertising, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Network, Social Media Optimization, Social Network, Social Networks, technology, Twitter

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